Well, yes it is. But not for the reasons that you might think. You won't hear this in the mainstream media because it, frankly, doesn't fit into their agenda. And despite what they say, they DO have one.
Yes, the Earth is warming. But then again, so is Venus.
And Mars.
And poor little Mercury.
This isn't just me saying this, folks. This is JPL and the folks at NASA and other astrophysicists.
The last time I checked, there were no cars on any of those other three planets. No coal-fired power plants, either. No petrol-guzzling SUVs, either. So why are those other three planets warming? It has to do with the output from the sun. Again, do a Google search and you can find this out for yourself. There are some that think this raised output is also causing the Pioneer Anomaly (also known as the Pioneer Effect,) but this isn't supported by the facts.
But those with a political or power agenda tied to global warming would have you ignore this inconvenient truth. So would Al Gore. They would have you believe that even though those other three planets are warming, they Earth's warming is due to mankind alone.
I'm not denying that our activities are making the problem worse. I can't deny that, because to do so would be to fly in the face of stark reality. Again, Google it.
Mankind didn't cause the problem, but we're not helping solve it either. The emissions from volcanoes (including at the mid-ocean ridges (what are those you ask? G O O G L E I T.)) as well as the output from the sun as well as the methane from the warming Alaskan tundra are working together to create a really big problem.
Add to that the fact that warming and cooling periods on the Earth are cyclical. In other words, they follow cycles. Warming, followed by cooling, followed by another cycle of warming followed by yet another cycle of cooling. I could go on, but that should give you the idea. Weather on Earth is cyclical, it always has been over the course of many millions of years.
In studying the fossil records, it appears that 14 of the 15 mass extinctions on the planet were due to ... global warming. The only one that WASN'T was the one of 65 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs. The mainstream media isn't telling you THAT, either. Neither are those with an agenda, because it really is an inconvenient truth. Isn't it, Mr. Gore?
The Great Dying of 250 million years ago was probably due to a flood basalt as well as other factors. This induced ... wait for it ... global warming. A really REALLY BIG warming
Again, there were no cars 250 million years ago, but those with the agenda would have you ignore this fact.
So, what do we do? We need to break our dependence on oil and coal and fossil fuels. There are those who say that nuclear is the way to go, but I'm not in favour of this. Again, not for the reasons that you think.
People, fuelled by the militant environmentalists, would have you believe that the Earth is drowning in nuclear waste. This simply isn't the case. The truth is that ALL the nuclear waste produced by every country on the face of the Earth since the very first reactor went online would fill a ...
... high school gymnasium. Seriously. Again, G O O G L E I T. That sounds like a broken record, I know, but the information is out there.
Don't depend on others to look it up for you, since you have no way of knowing if they have an agenda or not. And the sad fact is that there are too many people on BOTH side of the problem that have agendas.
I don't give an overweight rat's rectum about agendas. You shouldn't either. We've already passed one point of no return and we simply can't afford to bury our heads in the sand and let those with the agendas lead us around by the nose. That's not me saying that either, that's Dr. Michio Kaku. Who's he?
He's one of the world's foremost authorities in theoretical physics and the environment. The co-founder of string-field theory, his PhD-level textbooks are REQUIRED reading at most of the top physics labs.
Again, this information is out there, folks. Look it up.
Do it with an open mind and you'll learn a great deal.
Yes, the Earth is warming.
No, mankind is not the sole cause.
And Mr. Gore, you've ignored quite a few inconvenient truths.