Thursday, March 13, 2008

She did WHAT??

Well.  Let's see.  Somebody from the Clinton campaign has pulled out the race card and the gender card.  And here I thought she was running a campaign based on "change."

Of course, this IS the same campaign that said Mr Obama's was "Change you can Xerox(tm)."

Ok...playing the race & gender card is change ... how, exactly?  I must've missed something.  Granted, according to my ex-wife, I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box (nor the brightest bulb in the chandelier) but I think I've missed something somewhere.

Wasn't she the one that was saying that the American people were tired of that type of politics?  Well, she wasn't the ONLY one, but her campaign (and her personally) said that.  And now...

Yeah.  This is exactly why I have a hard time believing a politician no matter what they say.  One of 'em could tell me that the sun was shining right now ... and I'd have to open the blinds and look outside.  And that's sad.

Whatever happened to the days when you could take a politician at his or her word?  If one of 'em told you that they would handle a problem, you literally COULD take it to the bank.  Today?  Well, you could still TAKE it there, but the poor teller would probably need CPR after they nearly choked from laughing so hard.  And Mrs. Clinton, you're part of the problem.  So are you, Mr. Obama.  And so are you, Mr. McCain.

Now I know that I'm saying things that many have said before.  People have told the politicians that they're tired of their games.  People are truly tired of one politician having his (or her) hand shoved up the rectum of another politician.  Their other hand is, of course, firmly in the pork barrel.  OH, that's right.  The word has been changed to "earmark."  Why?  Because "pork barrel" has a negative connotation, you see.  Honestly. 

Ever wonder how it got that way?  Look no further than your politician.  Oh, and ignore that brownish, smelly stuff in his/her other hand.  You know...that brownish stuff even the flies are staying away from.

I'm the writer of this journal, and I approve of this message.  If the politicians don't like it, tough ... brownish smelly stuff that the flies stay away from.  Got it?

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