Thursday, September 25, 2008

Code Pink Gives Up on Berkeley USMC Office

The link, the Code Pink diatribe, and Protest Shooter's dissection of it.

But for those who at past "rallys" have worn Che shirts and Communist other stuff, ain't it great to live in the USA? 

Try your type of protest in the Cold War-era Soviet Union.  We'd never see nor hear from you again.

Try your type of protest during the Che years in Cuba.  Try it in Cuba today. 

Try your type of protest where Hugo Chavez and his goons are.  Any takers?

How about in Iran, where their "president" the wacko Mahmy (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) has the reins. 

How about in Iraq under Saddam? 

But I do need to ask one thing...where is your figure of 1.2 million Iraqis killed coming from?  Where exactly?  I, like Protest Shooter, have also been doing some digging.  The figure I keep coming up with is less than half.

And I'll agree that while it's far less than yours, it's still far too high.  But how many people did Saddam kill?


(Since it's so small, the person at the podium is Saddam.)

Oh, and let's not forget the "Oil for Food" programme, which, according to the UN's own documents, was ripe with fraud.


By "your type of protest" I mean anti-government protest.  That distinction must be drawn because those wackjobs I just named would, of course, welcome an anti-US rally.  But try an anti Hugo Chavez rally in his country.  Try holding an anti Soviet rally in the old Soviet Union.

Hey, Code Pinkers ... ain't it great to live in the USA where you're free to peddle your crap? 

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