The Link:"NEW YORK (AP) - Signaling a look inward that echoes critiques of the media's performance in the months before the Iraq War, some of the nation's top financial journalists believe reporters dropped the ball as the nation's economy tumbled toward crisis mode. "
You don't say. Truly, this is really one of those 'duh' moments. The media didn't properly cover the economic meltdown? I wish I could say I was surprised, but if you've read this blog for any length of time you'll know that I'm not going to lie.
No, I'm not in the least surprised. Know why? Well, if we read a bit further, we find this: " "I blame myself in part," one reporter said. "I wrote about many of the components of the bust, including the opacity of derivatives (where does the risk go?),
the extremely low interest rates that fueled housing, and declining lending standards. But I failed to put it all together and see how really, really bad things would get." " (emphasis added)
To be fair, the liberal media does not bear the entire blame for what happened. Honestly, they don't. After all, I don't think anybody has a crystal ball that would've told them how bad things would get. But let's also be fair about this: There have been a plethora of studies, some of them done by reporters no less, that show that there is a liberal bias in the media. This goes beyond a "conspiracy theory" at this point in that we have study after study after study that shows a liberal bias in the media.
But for them, the financial reporters, to miss the "...low interest rates that fueled housing..." as well as the "...declining lending standards..." is troubling.
But then, we need to factor in one other piece of this puzzle. Exactly whom pressed for those "...declining lending standards...?" Well, we know of at least one group - ACORN. You can also bet (do a Google search on this and you'll find it) that other minority groups - some would go so far as to call them 'pressure' groups - said that if the lending institutions didn't lower the standards they would conduct "strikes" against them.
So why mention ACORN by name? Read on: "ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is a community-based organization that advocates for low- and moderate-income families by working on neighborhood safety,
voter registration,
health care, affordable housing, and other social issues." (links by Wikipedia and are left intact.) So they work for voter registration for low and moderate income families.
Such as Freddie Johnson, who ACORN pressured into registering 72 times in Ohio? Do a Google search for his name and you'll find it.
Such as the Dallas (TX) Cowboys who ACORN registered in Las Vegas? Such as Mickey Mouse, another ACORN registrant? How about Doodad Pro, or Watchem Gro? How about them? How about Seattle Washington?
This next link does go to Michelle Malkin's site, but if you follow her hyperlinks, you'll get all the juicy details. Also, just search my blog for the details.
To make a long story short, ACORN handed in the names of 1,800 new "voter registrations." In spite of the threat of an ACORN lawsuit, they checked those registrations.
Out of 1,800, a total of 6 were valid. Here's THAT link: WAIT: It gets worse: "ACORN is a non-partisan organization. However, it often advocates for policies championed by liberals." You don't say. Here's THAT link:'So what does that have to do with realtors and "...declining lending standards...?"
Here's what one realtor had to say: "Instead of maintaining the basic standards for new borrowers, the NAR is asking them to lower them.
To me this seems like an act of desperation and foolish to boot.
We all know that lower rates and lose lending standards created the mess we are in now. It is not rocket science. But to now
ask the federal government to step in and continue these practices that have been proven not to work is madness. " (emphasis added) Link:, we have left-leaning groups like ACORN pressing for lower lending standards. We have the liberal media cheering it all on and then posting Op-Ed articles that say if they don't lower the standards they're ... gasp ... RACIST!!!
The other day I was watching some sports show and they were commenting on an African-American QB not getting some kind of award. It, instead, went elsewhere. The commentator immediately reached into his deck of cards and drew out the ...
...wait for it...
RACE card. Yes, if African-American QB's don't get an award is RAAACIST!! Never mind that there could be other QB's out there that are ... gasp ... better? SAY IT ISN'T SO!!
If lenders don't lower the standards for lending money it's ... gasp ... RAAACIST!! Tell me, how many of those that defaulted the first time on their house loans defaulted the second time after they were given the 'grace period?'
I don't have the figure in front of me, but I remember hearing that it was around 50%. Now, granted, I don't have the figures in front of me. So at best, this is hearsay, and at worst, I could've made that figure up. But for those who've been reading this blog, they know better. I don't make "...make shit up..." for my "...worthless blog."
There ... I don't have a crystal ball, and I've connected those mysterious dots for you. And I don't have a fancy degree in journalism, I'm just a blogger.
And yet, I've connected those annoying little dots. Don't you feel stupid now? All your layers of fact-checking.
Also, for the record, I'm not in my pajamas, nor am I in a basement. You "reporters" need to start reporting the news instead of trying to create it.