Buuut... you know I'm one for screenshots, to show at least some proof of what I'm saying. Of course, we all know that screenshots can be doctored in this age of Photoshop, where Iran can fake their "missile" launches, Hamas can fake scenes in hospital, and nobody in the American mainstream media cares. But here we go. This is the current first page on Drudge Report:
I'm going to be covering quite a few things here, so let's begin. First, the very first item on the right hand side: "US financial losses 'may reach $3.6 trillion'..." This should really be a 'duh' moment for anybody reading this blog as I've written this before. Well...the truth is, I linked to a similar article. Here's the link to what I had to say about it: http://gregb1967.blogspot.com/2008/10/article-cost-of-crash-2800000000000.html
Only back then, they were saying the cost would be $2.8 trillion. You'll notice the discrepancy in numbers: 2.8T versus 3.6T. Where, pray tell, did the rest come from?
"Jan. 20 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. financial losses from the credit crisis may reach $3.6 trillion, suggesting the banking system is “effectively insolvent,” said New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini, who predicted last year’s economic crisis.
“I’ve found that credit losses could peak at a level of $3.6 trillion for U.S. institutions, half of them by banks and broker dealers,” Roubini said at a conference in Dubai today. “If that’s true, it means the U.S. banking system is effectively insolvent because it starts with a capital of $1.4 trillion. This is a systemic banking crisis.” " (link comes from Bloomberg and is left intact.)
This should scare the crap out of anybody reading this. It should. If Roubini is accurate and the banking system starts with $1.4 trillion in capital, we're sunk. Dead. Finished. Over. And we can place the blame at the feet of the politicians, their lobbyists, and the fat people on wall street as well as their lobbyists. And, at our own feet too, for being more worried about what trouble Ms Spears is getting into than worrying about what the politicians are doing with our money. Sorry, Mr Knollenberg, but it is our money. And I don't mean to single out Ms Spears; it could be any "celebrity," including Brad Pitt and Matt Damon. I personally couldn't give a flip about them, except when they take to the airwaves and pontificate about their "cause" du jour (of the day.) That's when they do just enough 'research' to be dangerous. The American people believe them because they're a "celebrity." Therefore, they simply must know about what they're espousing, right?
Not exactly. But the American media is willing to give them a free pass because they're a "celebrity." If it sounds like a vicious circle - it is.
But let's go down the right-hand side again. Let's concentrate on the third listing: "GM official says cash could run out by March 31..." ::sigh:: As Michelle Malkin wrote (and yes, she was called quite a few nasty things for this one) "Where does it end?"
Good question. After all, we've seen how many news articles about businesses, and even small towns, lining up for their slice of the bailout pie? Is anybody else reminded of the ABBA song "Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie!" Granted, the rest of the title is "A Man after Midnight." Or is it just me?
He vows an era of responsibility? In an era of tax and tax, spend and spend? We cannot spend our way out of this - that's what got us into this mess!
Yet, once again, I'm going to take a step back and ask anybody reading this to take a moment to pray for Mr Kennedy, who was suffering convulsions from "simple fatigue." Yes, he's a liberal democrat. Yes, he's one of the problems that caused this mess - but he's also human. He's human and in spite of whether or not we agree with him, he needs our thoughts and our prayers as does his family.
I hope you get well soon, Mr Kennedy. (And yes, this is in direct contrast to those "compassionate liberals" who were asking that Tony Snow die when they learned he was fighting cancer. Isn't it, Daily Kos?
But I'm going to end this particular entry with this: " 'You Feel God is Speaking to You,' Inaugural Attendee Says..."
Some of us have been calling him "the Obamessiah."

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