" The police officers who stopped Oklahoma City motorist Chip Harrison and confiscated a sign from his car told him he has a right to his beliefs, but the U.S. Secret Service "could construe this as a threat against President Obama," according to the incident report released this morning. " (links left intact but are not mine.)
And yes, the Secret Service was called and did a walk-through of the man's house. His Anti-Obamessiah sign was returned later that day, but it makes you wonder.
It makes me wonder how long before somebody complains that my call to Impeach Obama means that I'm a radical and that I need to be "investigated."
But if you think this is going to make me be silent:
Note to Secret Service; in this context it means "I will not be silent." In case you don't understand English, I can also say it in French, German, and Spanish. It says "I will not submit. I will not surrender." Again, in this context, it means "I will not be silent."
What I am, however, is furious. We have a Usurper in the White House who is pushing us towards Socialism, we have the lapdogs in the press cheering the entire thing on, and now ACORN is preaching that people who are about to be foreclosed on should disobey eviction orders. How about you investigate ACORN? How about you force President Barack Hussein Obama produce proof that he is eligible to be the President?
Or does that make too much sense?
How about this one: http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/135656
"The students in the class were hopeful things will work out, but questioned whether Obama's plan would actually work to dig the country out of its economic woes. They also expected a longer speech." (emphasis added)
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