Of course, those of us who disagree with B. Hussein Obama are called "potential domestic extremeists" by the DHS, but these numbers are telling.
The link "WRONG WAY" leads to Rasmussen Reports. Now, again, this is not some right-wing site, or some site that has a political axe to grind. This is the impartial Rasmussen Reports.
And the numbers are damming: 32% of voters strongly approve of the way Mr Obama is "...performing his role as President." Now that's a direct quote. If you've read this blog, you'll know that I don't consider him my President. I consider him a usurper.
SO - 32% strongly approve. 37% strongly DISapprove. That gives him a PAI (Presidential Approval Index) of -5. This is Osama's (er...Obama's) lowest number yet.
To make it easier to read:
Strongly approve: 32%
Strongly DISapprove: 37%
PAI: -5
Total approve: 52%
Total DISapprove: 48%
The total number of those who approve (strongly, slightly, etc) is now at 52%, and those total who disapprove are at 48%.
This is quite telling, because on 22-JAN-2009 the numbers were very different. Here's the link for where I'm getting the numbers: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history
You'll notice (again) that this isn't some right-wing site, this is the impartial Rasmussen Reports.
As of 22-JAN-2009 those numbers were:
Strongly approve: 44%
Strongly DISapprove: 14%
This gave him a PAI of +30.
As of that same date, 22-JAN-2009, the TOTAL approve/disapprove was:
Total approve: 64%
Total DISapprove: 29%
And now his PAI is -5??? Again, according to numerous people, I'm none too bright with math, but from where I sit, his PAI has dropped 35 points. ::blink::
Perhaps people are finally beginning to see the threat that our Country is facing. The threat isn't from "potential domestic extremeists" it's from Barack Hussein Obama.
(H/T: Drudge Report)
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