What's the matter, you egotistical, self-righteous son of a bitch? Are the American People FINALLY waking up to your socialist ways? Eh? -14, Mr Osama ... er ... OBAMA.
Granted, this number has shown a great deal of 'swing' these past few weeks. You've been from -6, -12, -10, -9, -9 ,-8, -7 to now -14?!?
BUT WAIT! It's us "un-American" Tea Party people that are making all the stink, right? How about it, you megalomaniac? After all, didn't you yourself recently say that "We're God's partners in matters of life and death?"
You egotistical self-righteous bastard. How DARE you proclaim yourself as such? Tell me, did you hear it from "On High?" Or are you just posturing your sorry ass? Kiss your 'legacy' goodbye. I PRAY that the American People will FINALLY wake up and vote your sorry a$$ and your sorry party out of power.
For me, it won't come soon enough.
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