I've never been an Obama fan. I'll admit that. I've spoken out against him from day one and I'll admit that too. I'll also admit that our Friday group got a bit "giddy" when we learned that Obama's Chicago had lost the Olympics.
But I'm of two minds to this. First, the US could've used the Olympics. But you know that in the corruption culture that's in DC now, the Democrats would've used this as a victory to push through even more liberalism.
This next is from Michelle Malkin's site and, I think, sums it up quite well:
" Goodbye, “Yes We Can.” Hello, “No, You Can’t.” Like Icarus, President Obama’s giddy ego flight has ended with melted wax and fallen wings.
" This is a big win and a massive relief for taxpayers. But Chicago cronies are not going to take this well. Gird your loins.
" Who will be first to cry RAAAAAACIST? Well, it will be a little awkward to play the race card after liberal critics of the Games filed a civil rights complaint against the Chicago 2016 committee for racial discrimination yesterday. But count on the Team Obama grievance-mongers to play it anyway." (*)
There is a lot there, so let's examine this. "...Obama's giddy ego flight has ended with melted wax and fallen wings." Well, yes. Remember the Drudge Report's banner: "THE EGO HAS LANDED"
And, Ms Malkin's right that somebody, Janeane Garofalo perhaps, is going to play the "RAAACIST!" card. As in "Well, the IOC simply couldn't bear to have Chicago win because Barack Obama's black. That's all this is." This is following Ms Garofalo's 'logic' that those of us who supported (and still do support) the Tea Parties are because Mr Obama's black.
Give me a flippin' break. And yes, Ms Obama did say it was a "sacrifice" to go there to pitch for Chicago. (**) Here's THAT headline: "Michelle Obama: It's a 'sacrifice' to travel to Europe to pitch for the Olympics. But I'm doing it for the kids." Um...yeah. Some sacrifice.
(*) - http://michellemalkin.com/2009/10/02/the-noble-%e2%80%9csacrifice%e2%80%9d-of-michelle-obama/
(**) - http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/Michelle-Obama-Its-a-sacrifice-to-travel-to-Europe-to-pitch-for-the-Olympics--For-Oprah-and-the-president-too--But-were-doing-it-for-the-kids-62928957.html#
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