Thursday, November 5, 2009

V - the new ABC series

Well, it was on Tuesday night. And I think it's going to spell the end of some people's Hollywood (also known as hypocrites-r-us and hollyweird) careers.

Let's take a look first at Ms Morena Baccarin, who plays the alien's leader Ana. She's a wonderful and talented actress. And on top of that, she's beautiful. On top of that, she's smart as a whip. As a person and as an actress, she has many good qualities. Yet I fear that somebody could see her performance in this series and decide she's 'too political.'

The first episode was complete with many thinly-veiled references to the Obama administration. And I too wonder how it got onto network TV, and especially on the All Barack Channel (ABC) which had Obama's infomercial on it not all that long ago.

I loved the first episode and plan to watch the rest of them.

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