(Image Copyright and Courtesy of rasmussenreports.com. Used with permission.)
This honestly looks like a winter wind chill reading, doesn't it? -21. "Winds today will be easterly between 15 and 20 mph, giving wind chill readings as low as 20 to 22 below zero."
Yet this number, -21 (twenty-one below zero) is the President's PAI (Presidential Approval Index) Score. You'll remember that this number "...is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve." (*1)
25% - Strongly APPROVE
46% - Strongly DISAPPROVE
Perhaps most damming for Mr Obama and his policies are the number of African-Americans who now strongly approve of his job as President. That number is at 58%; one of its lowest readings yet, if not the lowest. You'll remember that it was only a few short months ago that this number was in the mid eighties (80+%.)
" For the second straight day, the update shows the highest level of Strong Disapproval yet recorded for this President. That negative rating had never topped 42% before yesterday. However, it has risen dramatically since the Senate found 60 votes to move forward with the proposed health care reform legislation. Most voters (55%) oppose the health care legislation and senior citizens are even more likely than younger voters to dislike the plan. " (*1 (Link is Rasmussenreports.com's and is left intact (Emphasis added)))
Let's distill that down into two facts that the Democrats and this President are ignoring:
1) The President's approval numbers have taken a nose-dive since the Democrats bought (there's no other way to say this, they literally bought that last vote) got the votes for ObamaCare. And,
2) Senior Citizens are even more likely than younger voters to dislike the plan.
AARP, are you listening yet?
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