The article says it better than anything I could ever write. Fox News had their best January ever, and Special Report with Bret Baier/Brit Hume was the top rated (#1) for the 100th consecutive month.
Now for those liberals who are math-challenged: Consecutive means one right after another. In other words, 100 unbroken months at #1.
Also for you math-challenged libs, there are 12 months in a year. Dividing this out we find that 100 months is 8.33 years.
But how, pray tell, did it get this way?
For that, we only need to go here:
Where we find this: " Watching coverage of the Massachusetts senatorial election Tuesday night, I wondered if MSNBC was getting ready to cut off its cable signal to the state. Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, positively enraged that Massachusetts dared to elect a Republican, delivered two hours of nonstop bilious rage toward the state's voters, calling them "irrational" and "teabaggers," engaged in "a total divorce from reality," and hinting that they're vicious racists to boot.
" If you watched CNN or Fox News last night, you got a balanced analysis of how Republican Scott Brown pulled off the political upset of the century (or, if you prefer, how Democrat Martha Coakley blew a dead solid electoral lock). Yes, I said Fox News, without irony. To be sure, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity made it clear they were rooting for Brown. But their shows also included a steady parade of liberal-leaning guests -- former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, former Dukakis campaign manager Susan Estrich, Democratic party strategist Mary Anne Marsh, NPR commentator Juan Williams and radio host Alan Colmes. And pollster Frank Luntz interviewed a panel of two dozen or so Massachusetts voters, most of them Democrats, about how they voted and why. Practically every conceivable perspective on the election was represented." (emphasis added)
" And on MSNBC, you got practically every conceivable expression of venom against Brown and anybody who voted him. From Maddow's dark suspicions that the election was rigged -- she cited complaints about a grand total of six ballots out of about 2.25 million cast -- to Olbermann's suggestion in the video up above that the same Massachusets voters who went for Barack Obama by a 62-28 percent margin had suddenly realized they helped elect a black guy and went Republican in repentance, the network's coverage was idiotic, one-sided and downright ugly. " (emphasis (and colour) added)
That's the Reader's Digest condensed version of the article. At the link above you can get the complete story about why MS(L)NBC and CNN's ratings are falling like rocks.
On average, Fox News really is "Fair and Balanced." On MS(L)NBC you get Maddow and Olbermann's version of 'reality.'
But I keep forgetting where Ms Maddow came from: Air America Radio. " Air America (formerly Air America Radio and Air America Media) was an American radio network specializing in politically leftwing talk programming. The network started programming on March 31, 2004, ending live programming on January 21, 2010 and all remaining operations on January 25, 2010.
" The network featured discussion and information programs with hosts reflecting leftwing points of view and specialized in presentations and monologues by on-air personalities, guest interviews, calls by listeners, and news reports. " (emphasis added. Links are Wikipedia's and are left intact.)
Mayhaps that's why MS(L)NBC's ratings are tanking? Let's not forget Janeane Garofalo's April 2009 diatribe: " Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House. That is racism straight up. This is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks.[12] " (links are Wikipedia's and are left intact.)
Well then, you intellectual libs, how do you explain this?

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