Friday, July 15, 2011

The Democrat's Playbook

NOTE: This is my second posting of this. The first time, Blogspit (yes, I meant to type that) ate it, saying there was an ‘editing conflict.’ Oddly enough, the last time it happened, my last posting, was also highly critical of the Campaigner-in-Thief. But this is Google that owns Blogspit, so it isn’t too surprising.

The Democrat’s playbook has a number of oft-used cards in it. Two of the key ones are, of course, the race card and the gender card. If we attend Tea Party protests, or even agree with them, the Democrat’s only answer is that we’re RAAAACISTS!!! To them, there’s no other possible answer.

Remember Janeane Garofalo on MSNBC speaking about the Tea Party Movement? She herself said it. “Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House. That is racism straight up. This is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks.[21] “ (Links are Wikipedia’s and are left intact.)

So, according to her, I don’t know my history, and the reason I dislike Mr Obama is because he’s black. Well, it’s so very nice to know that Ms Garofalo knows what’s in my mind and my heart. She can conceive of no other possible answer. It’s not because I dislike Mr Obama’s policies, again according to her. It’s not because he’s surrounded himself with socialists and Marxists (a la Van Jones, a self-confessed Communist) it simply must be, again according to her, because he’s black.

There is a word for that. But first, the definition from “a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion”

Yes, the word is delusional. Note that I’m not calling her a name, I’m describing her reasoning. Yes, the first part certainly fits, doesn’t it? The race card has been debunked how many times now? Yet they still reach for it. Believe it or not, but they’re part of the problem too.

Expect more of that this election. If we don’t vote for Mr Obama (again) it’s simply (again) because we’re RAAAAACIST!!!

But you know it won’t end there. If Ms Bachmann were a Democrat and we didn’t vote for her, it’s simply because we’re sexist. Again, this is according to the liberals. I was told that the reason I didn’t like Ms Clinton was because she’s a woman. Actually, I don’t like her policies, and then there’s her baggage (er…husband) Bill. I’d have no problem with a woman being the President, as long as I agreed with her positions. For the record, I would’ve voted for Dr Condoleezza Rice, had she been running. And since she’s also African-American, that takes both your favourite cards off the table. Time to put those tired old cards away.

Seriously, don’t you hate being told you’re something that you’re not? I hate being called a racist, it’s been disproven repeatedly, yet they can conceive of no other answer. Oh, and it’s because my heart’s filled with hate. ::sigh::

Another of the Democrat’s favourite cards is to demagogue. Mr Obama reached for that card today during his press conference. Yes, according to him, it’s going to be “Armageddon” unless we raise the debt ceiling. Didn’t he himself say that Social Security cheques might not go out? That’s been disproven, too. Yet he still reached for the demagogue card. According to a new poll, only 34 per cent of Americans want higher taxes. But in Mr Obama’s own little world, 80 per cent do. ::sigh:: He can conceive of no other option, other than to raise taxes. The solution, however, is simple. Cut spending and live within your means. It’s not rocket science. It really isn’t.

So we’ve got
The Race Card
The Gender (sexist) Card
The Demagogue Card

Now it’s time to add another. I’m calling this one the “Name-Calling” or “Idiot” card. Yes, according to the liberals, I’m simply not smart enough to comprehend what Mr Obama’s trying to do. Didn’t he himself say that he should’ve done a better job explaining the stimulus? In other words “I need to use smaller and simpler words because the people are too damn dumb to know what I’m trying to do. It’s their fault!”

Aren’t you tired of seeing that card as well? “Well, you’re too dumb.” Oh, and then they belittle you. Disparage also works. Just to be certain that the meaning hadn’t changed overnight, I went to Still means the same.

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