Thursday, August 25, 2011

Article: "Jewelry heist is a bust for 'clown' robbers"

The link:,0,2807700.story

" DENVER – Police in Denver were on the lookout Thursday for two gun-waving jewelry store robbers who threatened to shoot employees and customers.

" As it turns out, the joke was on the two clowns who robbed Sonny's Rocks on South Colorado Blvd. Wednesday morning. " (Links are KDVR's and are left intact.)

" Sonny’s Rocks Jewelry Store, like most jewelry stores, no longer displays real jewelry, a change the store made when the price of precious metals and gems started going up a few years ago. " (emphasis added)

I honestly didn't know that. But when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. With gold trading at $1,726 per ounce(*) it makes a LOT of sense!

I'm just glad that the robbers didn't hurt anybody. Emotionally, I'm sure that several if not most of the customers (and employees) were shaken, I thank God that nobody was hurt or killed. Gold, although it is expensive, is still not nearly worth the cost of somebody's life.

Although the robbers got a bunch of junk, I do wish I was a fly on the wall as they tried to sell their loot to a fence. "You're jokin', right? What the hell're you two tryin' t' pull?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"THIS SH*T'S WORTHLESS! It's junk! Fake gold, fake stones!"

" (censored) "

(*) -

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