Sunday, September 4, 2011

NYT OpEd: "One and Done?"

The link:

You KNOW you're in trouble when Ms Dowd writes this!!

I really don't know what to say about this article, except that I was literally shocked to read it. At first, I couldn't believe it was Ms Dowd writing it. After I read her name again, however...

But the article deserves comment:

" ONE day during the 2008 campaign, as Barack Obama read the foreboding news of the mounting economic and military catastrophes that W. was bequeathing his successor, he dryly remarked to aides: “Maybe I should throw the game.” "

Now it is true that Mr Obama did inherit a bad economy. I've never said otherwise. And it's true he inherited two wars. But come on now. How far are we into Mr Obama's term?

" On the razor’s edge of another recession; blocked at every turn by Republicans determined to slice him up at any cost; starting an unexpectedly daunting re-election bid; and puzzling over how to make a prime-time speech about infrastructure and payroll taxes soar, maybe President Obama is wishing that he had thrown the game. "

But this is where I take exception. "...Republicans determined to slice him up at any cost" What about during the first two years of Mr Obama's term when the Democrats had a super-majority and control of BOTH houses of Congress? He could've done so much more than what he did ... as Ms Dowd herself noted.

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