Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tamara Holder owned on Hannity


Tamara Holder got her head handed to her.  You might’ve seen it, if not, there’s a link to it at the bottom of the post, but she and Michelle Malkin were on Hannity recently. 

Ms Holder brought up the “fact” that unemployment has gone down under Mr Obama.  Actually, it’s gone up.  She does have a partial point; it’s not as high as it had been, but the fact remains that it is still higher than it was when Obama got in office. 

She also played another of the liberal’s cards; and that is the idiot or ‘uninformed’ or ‘stupid’ card.  “Well, the stretch is that the average person does not really understand that the large, enormous debt that you continue to talk about really doesn’t hit the person at home as much as … ” and then Mr Hannity started talking over her. 

So here we see that we just don’t understand that this massive debt hits us at all.

Mr Hannity also challenged Ms Holder to point out one area where Mr Obama has made things better.  Foreclosures aren’t as high as they’ve been under Obama’s watch, but even they are still higher than they were under Mr Bush. 

Now, I’ve taken Mr Bush to task as well for pre-socializing the economy for Mr Obama. 

And then, when Mr Hannity brought up the fact that Ms Holder was wrong on everything she said, she picked up another of the liberal’s favourite playing cards:  the name-calling one. “The guy (Mitt Romney) is border-line brain-dead and makes things up as he goes along.  He has no idea what he’s doing and he’s not gonna win …” and I didn’t understand the word after that. 

So, in the span of the 6:55 clip, she used two of the liberals favourite playing cards:  the uninformed (or stupid card) and that we just don’t understand about the debt, and the name-calling card and called Mr Romney “ … border-line brain-dead … “  You gotta love the libs!

The link:

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