Say, have you been accused of sexually abusing young girls? If so, then you too can have a screening job with the TSA! A former Catholic Priest, Thomas Harkins, was removed from his ministerial post after his Diocese found that he had sexually abused two young girls. In March of this year, 2012, an additional claimant came forward via a lawsuit alleging that he had abused her as well. Her age at the time of the alleged abuse? 11.
To be fair, the TSA, when contacted by the reporter of the story, stated that the former priest’s title was “Transportation Security Manager, Baggage,” which means that he usually deals with luggage and not passengers.
But think of it this way: would you want this man, given his past, to touch your wife’s or your girls’ panties? Even if he is wearing those blue gloves (which they don’t change after every screening, by the way, something the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) state they should!)
I wouldn’t want him touching my belongings and I’d absolutely refuse to have him screen me.
Those are the facts of the story, according to the article(*1).
But now, based on the facts, I’m going to ask a few questions.
Because of the Dateline’s landmark series ‘To Catch a Predator,’ we know that people from seemingly all walks of life were caught soliciting sex with an under-age girl. They caught:
A Rabbi,
A Police Officer,
An Assistant District Attorney,
A DHS Special Agent,
A teacher,
A musician,
And somebody who worked at Nickelodeon, among others.
They even caught a registered sex offender! They also caught somebody who had been caught earlier by Perverted Justice, the group that they had hired as consultants.
But the question: is this former priest trolling online?
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