I'm only going to quote a bit of this article, but in my opinion this article is a must read. It's also quite long, but it is that important. You're not going to be reading any of this in the MSM since they've decided that you cannot question 'the one.' You simply can't question the Obamessiah.
Does anybody remember my mentioning the Wikipedia article about "Cult of Personality?" Well, here's a screenshot of what the page looked like before it got scrubbed:
As I mentioned, the article has been scrubbed. There has been quite a bit of debate about whether or not it belongs on Wikipedia. I believe there to be more than enough anecdotal evidence to state that there is indeed a Cult of Personality around 'the one.' Of course, you can't mention that on Wikipedia without being labelled a troublemaker ... or worse.
Well, before I get into the article, I need to add this: Mr Obama is not my Messiah. He's not even my messiah with a small "m." In the same vein, he's not my Saviour. He's not even my saviour with a small "s." He's just a man, folks. He's just a man, yet the MSM has made this messianic complex about him. And as you could see from the previous posting where he spoke about his next 100 days, Mr Obama appears to be buying into it.
So now, let's get to the main article that I'll be referencing. As I said, this is a must read ... at least in my opinion. Here's the link again: http://homelandsecurityus.com/?p=2745 The title? "From Anthrax to Zawahiri, searching for answers"
"11 May 2009: Does anything about the events of the last few months strike you as odd? How about the last few years, or the last few decades? If you’ve been paying attention to Western politics and world events, and if you’ve been closely following politics inside the United States and have become thoroughly confused by the policies, actions and responses of the United States, then you will undoubtedly reply “yes” to that question.
"There is an ever growing list of actions, reactions, and policies that just simply don’t make any sense -at least not until they are viewed through the prism of an “alternate reality,” or an agenda of an elite few who are not acting in the best interests of the United States. Such a list would include matters of national security, health and welfare, immigration, and economics. That list would also involve our leaders from both Republican and Democratic sides of the political aisle."
Now I know that somebody out there is going to be saying (or shouting) "another conspiracy theory!" But how many times have I proved that some of these "conspiracy theories" are in fact ... facts? Mr Hagmann and Mr Taylor have their facts straight in this article. Again, the MSM isn't going to be reporting this, they've decided that Mr Obama is their "Messiah."
And at the end of the long, well-written article, we find this:
" So what’s the point in voting? In fact, although the state electors are supposedly committed to vote for the candidate of the party that chose them, nothing in the Constitution requires them to do so. This explains the presence of the Kenyan born Muslim in the White House right now.
" He is an insert, a Manchurian Candidate of sorts that has strict instructions to drive the US into an economic depression that will leave no alternative other than to unite with other countries as one, including Islamic countries. He is the destructor of sovereignty. He is the stripper of civil rights. He is the catalyst by which Muslims can infiltrate the government at all critical levels. This explains his hobnobbing and back slapping with enemies of the United States. He is supposed to be the one that brings everyone together at the Globalist Table, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
"Beware of this person. Meanwhile, our investigation continues."
Beware of Barack Hussein Obama. He might be the liberal's and the media's "Messiah," but he is not mine.
Remember that song I referenced? "
"And he's [Mr Obama] the reason Mr Lincoln let the slaves go free; And he told Hillary Clinton "Girl you don't know me."
And he chased away Katrina with a wave of his hand; and let the people of New Orleans walk across dry land.
And he could decimate poverty in a single bound; I searched the whole wide world and I finally found
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