Monday, May 11, 2009

"Free Speech for ME, but not for Thee."

Have you noticed that that appears to be the way the Democrats and liberals are behaving? If a Republican or a conservative (a TRUE Conservative, not Juan McAmnesty) were to stand up in front of a college crowd, those "educated" people would shout the speaker out, create a ruckus, and chalk it up to "free speech."

Granted, you might not like what the speaker is saying, but don't they have just as much right to speak?

Consider Wanda Sykes and her "performance" at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. If anybody had said that about his holiness (in his own mind) the Obamessiah, well. The DHS, the OSI (Office of Special Investigations), the NSA, the IRS, the FBI, and the CIA would have been investigating her as being a potential "domestic extremist."

So what did she say? "You know, you might want to look into this Sir, because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker (on Sept 11, 2001) but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight."

Could you imagine a Conservative saying that about the Obamessiah? That Conservative would never get out of legal trouble. Every three-letter government agency would look at our hypothetical Conservative. But Ms. Sykes is a Democrat, and a liberal, so what the hell, right?

But that's not all she said: "Rush Limbaugh 'I hope the country fails' - I hope his kidneys fail, how about that?"

But let's correct this: Mr Limbaugh said that he hopes the Obamessiah's policies fail, something that I also believe he should not have said. Why? Because if they do fail, then this country will be in an even deeper hole than the Obamessiah has dug for us. And yes, that could be taken to mean that Mr Limbaugh hopes the country fails.

But then Ms Sykes says "I hope his [Rush Limbaugh's] kidneys fail, how about that?" Again, she's a liberal Democrat, so what the hell right?

Let's take our hypothetical Conservative saying the same thing. Remember the OKC man who had his anti-Obamessiah sign taken away, and his house searched (with his permission, and the anti-Obamessiah sign was returned later.) What did that man's sign say? "Abort Obama." That could be taken as a death threat, you see. This is something that the Department of Hussein's Sycophants takes very seriously. And if our hypothetical Conservative were to wish the Obamessiah's kidneys would fail...well. Every government agency would investigate our hypothetical person. A new one would be created just to track him (or her.) He or she would get their own satellite.

But Ms Sykes, this liberal democrat, hopes that Mr Limbaugh's kidneys fail. But this is not a death threat, you see? Nor is it wishing Mr Limbaugh ill. She's a liberal Democrat, so what the hell, right?

What the hell, right?

Sen. Kennedy: "Free Speech for everyone, Al; regardless of ideology." "...regardless of ideology." Yes, that stalwart of liberalism, Mr Kennedy himself said that. "...regardless of ideology."

But if a Conservative paints a sign that says "Abort Obama," he gets harassed. If we disagree with the Obamessiah's porkulus, we get labelled "potential extremists."

Free speech? Only if you're a liberal.

HEY - DEPARTMENT OF HUSSEIN'S SYCOPHANTS, INVESTIGATE ME! I'm speaking out against his holiness (in his own mind) the Obamessiah!

And if you don't like it: "Free speech for everyone, Al; regardless of ideology." If you don't like it, well. Remember that movie Major League? It was that one scene inside Lynn's boyfriend's apartment when he tells Tom Berenger's character "Stay away from her (meaning Lynn.)" And Tom Berenger's character replies: "Suck my d*ck."

And I don't mean duck, or deck, or dock.

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