CORRECTED at 21:25pm on 7-MAY to correct spelling of "trillion." Also corrected figure which was "one-half of one per cent" which I incorrectly stated was 0.05. In reality, this figure should read 0.5
Before I begin, I do know that Native Americans have Animal Spirits, also called "Spirit Guides," and that these Guides come to them in dream or trance-like states. I am not refering to these Animal Spirits.
No, I'm referring to the book, which had its 2nd printing back in the 1920's. Here's a link: You'll notice that the title is "Animal Sprits, The Economy, Propaganda."
I think you should read this book. Why?
Because Barack Hussein Obama's White House is. Seriously.
The book is about the theory that there is a sure-fire way to control something that is otherwise un-controllable. And that is controlling the economy through the use of propaganda. If you think I'm "...making shit up..." for my "...worthless blog..." well, you're about to be proven wrong yet again. Google it, you'll find it.
Controlling the economy through propaganda. All you need to do is say something like what's on the Drudge Report right now, that we've hit bottom. Note that Mr Drudge did not say that, he linked to a story that said it. All you have to say is "Yes, we can!" and that things are getting better because the Obamessiah has said so.
And if you buy into that, that's akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as she's sinking beneath the waves.
But let's take another example, shall we? OK. The Obamessiah's budget is $3.4 trillion. Here's that number - $3,400,000,000,000.00 This was after he "saved" is 17billion. So before his "savings," that number would read $3.417 or $3,417.000,000,000.00 He says it's a lot of money, and it is. But let's look at the percentage, shall we?
0.5% Seriously.
But do you remember back during the start of the 2008 election? The Democrats (including you Mr Barack Hussein Obama) were saying that President Bush's budget was "unsustainable." You yourself said this Mr Obama.
To bring your porkget into a "sustainable" area, you'd have to mulitply your "savings" times 40. Honestly.
17billion times 40 = $680,000,000,000
or $680 BILLION. You yourself said this Mr Obamessiah.
Now I know I've been telling the truth and saying very unflattering things about you Mr Obamessiah. Perhaps you'll tell Janet Napolitano to have some of her people from the Departmant of Hussein's Sychophants label me a "potential extremeist" ... in other words a domestic terrorist. Perhaps you'll have her have them arrest me for telling the truth.
I'll make it easy for you (and her) - You have spent over $800,000 in lawsuits to avoid producing the vault copy of your birth certificate. That is a fact.
Now you, Mr Obamessiah, can convict me for revealing state secrets.
To those reading, I'm going to say this again: My problem with Mr Obama is not the colour of his skin. I think it would be wonderful to have an African-American President. Alan Keyes, however, didn't win. Neither did J.C. Watts. General Colin Powell wasn't running. Dr. Condolezza Rice wasn't running either, and since she's a woman, that would've removed the gender card from play as well.
My problem is the Obamessiah. We're not sure he's even eligible ... remember that $800,000 he's spent so far to avoid producing the vault copy of his birth cerficiate? Guess where a portion of that money has come from? Google it, you'll find it.
I guess that makes me a potential domestic extremeist.
BUT...remember the book "Animal Spirits?" What was one of the ways to control people?
Propaganda. We're certainly seeing that, aren't we?
Which brings us to disgraced Hillary fund-raiser Normal Hsu, who just plead guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, and guilty to ten counts of mail and wire fraud.
Take a guess who was the #4 recipient of Mr Hsu's funny money? That'd be you Mr Obamessiah. Here's that link:
Oddly enough, Ms Brunner, the Ohio Secretary of State, who refused to investigate ACORN after they dumped 600,000 "questionable" voter registrations ... received $3,000 from Mr Hsu. Mr Obama, you'll remember, was once part of ACORN.
The money really don't fall far from the tree, does it Mr Obamessiah?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
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