Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why is "La Raza" Important?

Good question. But for that, we have to go back into history a bit. I know that somebody somewhere is asking "why is history important?" ::blink::

History is important because it gives you a sense of where you as a people have been. It can help guide and shape the future and is directly responsible for the present. That sounds like a no-brainer, I know, but you'd be surprised to know that some people have no idea that the past is directly responsible for our present.

In this case, La Raza is important because of their views. They support illegal immigration, driver's licenses for illegals, suspension of efforts to deport illegals, among other things.

" As WND previously reported, La Raza was condemned in 2006 by former U.S. Rep. Charles Norwood, R-Ga., as a radical "pro-illegal immigration lobbying organization that supports racist groups calling for the secession of the western United States as a Hispanic-only homeland."

" Norwood urged La Raza to renounce its support of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan – which sees "the Race" as part of an ethnic group that one day will reclaim Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas. " (1)

It gets worse. In 2006, Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez (University of Texas at Arlington) said " "We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." " (2)

Let's distill that down to "We have got to eliminate the gringo ... we have got to kill him." That doesn't leave much room for misinterpretation, does it? But why is that important in this instance? Because Prof. Gutierrez is also the founder of the La Raza Unida political party.

Not convinced yet? Try a YouTube search for "la raza reconquista" and stand back. Far back. (**)

Still not enough? How about a Google search for the phrase "Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada." (For the race, everything. Outside the race, nothing) (***)

So why is any of this important? Think for a moment - if Judge Sotomayor becomes Justice Sotomayor is it possible that she'd advance La Raza's goals from the High Court? How about MEChA's?

There's one more thing to consider: as far as I know, Judge Sotomayor is still a member of La Raza. However, that could have changed since the ABA wrote that bio. For the sake of arguement, let's assume that she left La Raza at some point in the past. The obvious questions would be "why?" "Why did she leave? Why now? What (if anything) happened?"

(1) -
(2) -
(**) La Raza does not condone this statement. However, a group that is affiliated with them, MEChA, does.
(***) NOTE: The National Council of La Raza has denounced this statement. In fact, they state they have never used this statement and unequivocally reject it outright. And they are correct, the statement comes from MEChA. Who are they? Google is your friend.

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