Sunday, April 27, 2008


Oy.  I think I need to clean out the cobwebs from here.  It's been a while since my last entry, but I've not been idle.  Neither have the politicians, the race-hustlers, and our favourite(?) villans, the identity thieves.

I really wish I had more to write about...or more accurately, the will to do so.  A LOT has been happening out there and now with the economy tanking, it's not going to get better.

BUT; Google "Bilderburg."  Their own documents prove that they engineered the sub-prime mortgage crisis.  And the Fed taking further control?  Also in the documents.

Now before somebody calls me a conspiracy theororist ... do a Google search.  It's easy. 

It's almost enough to make me want to bury my head in the sand, but that wouldn't help anybody.  Unfortunately, we as a people have to get involved.  That means putting down the TV remote, getting off the couch, and getting involved. 

But as long as I'm on a rant, would you PLEASE drive carefully to where you're going?  Please.  I had some idiot tailgate me so close I couldn't even see his headlamps.  But I did get some satisfaction.


Idiot drops cell phone.  Idiot slams on brakes.  Car damn near comes to a full stop.  Yeah, I know it's not the safe thing to do.  But hopefully that idiot learned something.

And while we're on the know those lines on the roadway?  They're there for a reason, folks.  Seriously.

A few more blogs like this, this is going to turn into a driving journal.  ::sigh::


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