Monday, June 1, 2009

Article: U.S. "...descent into Marxism..."

I've been warning about this since before the November election. You know the one; where ACORN pressured Freddie Johnson into registering to vote an astonishing 72 times.

You know the one; where, according to, "unbiased" people who picked up minorities encouraged them to vote for the Obamessiah.

You know the one; where Obama spoke to Joe the Plumber and promised to spread the wealth around. And then the Ohio Obamacrats plundered Joe's records because Joe dared to challenge "the one."

The same election where this appeared on the Drudge Report (screenshot)

If that weren't enough, this appeared on AOL's main screen: (screenshot)

Of course, Janeane Garafalo said that the Tea Party movement was "RAAACIST" and others told us that if we didn't vote for the Obamessiah, it had to be because of "RAAACISM!"

We simply didn't want the country to go Socialist. Of course, we were discounted.

It's very sad indeed when it's the Russians themselves who tell you you're descending into Marxism and Socialism.

Take a look at the URL, everybody. That's not some 'right-wing' 'potential extremist' - that's Pravda, which was the official mouthpeice for the Communist Party.

" It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. "

The article goes on to place the blame where it is due; at the feet of the corrupt wall street people, at the Obamessiah, and at the American people as well: "Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. "

You see, they've been through the hell of Marxism and Socialism ... and they're telling us that that is where we are headed.

They see it ... they've been there. And no, libs, "" does NOT mean it was written in the United States. It means its the English-language version of the Pravda website. The '.ru' tells you that.

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