Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Article: "Cuban official says Obama lied in Copenhagen."

The link: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20091221/D9CO04700.html

Before I post any of the article and dissect it, remember this: This is a Cuban official who said these things. And, with Cuban's stance towards the United States you'd expect some blustering. Having said that ... read on.

" HAVANA (AP) - Cuba's foreign minister called President Barack Obama an "imperial and arrogant" liar Monday for his conduct at the U.N. climate conference, a reflection of the communist island's increasingly fiery verbal attacks on the U.S. government.

" Bruno Rodriguez spent an hour and a half lambasting Obama's behavior in Copenhagen, telling a news conference, "at this summit, there was only imperial, arrogant Obama, who does not listen, who imposes his positions and even threatens developing countries."

" He called the summit "a fallacy, a farce" and said Washington used back-room deals and strong-arm tactics to foist on the world a deal that he labeled "undemocratic" and "suicidal" because it urges - but does not require - major polluters to make deeper emissions cuts. "

There it is, in its entirety and without any emphasis or anything else added. Now it's time to distill some things down.

Mr Rodriguez sais that Mr Obama does not listen, he imposes his positions and threatens developing countries. Again, this is a Cuban official saying these things. But haven't we seen this right here in the United States?

"Don't think we're not keeping score, brother." (*1) Isn't that what the Obamessiah said recently to Rep. Peter DeFazio?

How many other people have called Mr Obama "arrogant?" Do a Google search for "arrogant AND Obama" and then stand back. Far back.

" Votes are being bought left and right to pass this health care reform bill that evolved into something that almost nobody in the left or right, not to mention the majority of the people, want but that Harry Reid is ramming down everybody’s throats for no reason other than to massage the ego of the arrogant Obama. " (*3)

But as another Wikipedia Editor told us recently "Google hits don't get us anywhere" (and then promptly used Google hits to bolster his/her own view), let's also consider this: Mr Rodriguez also said that Washington had used "back-room deals" and "strong-arm tactics." Again, this is a Cuban official.

But then there's this: " As polls have consistently shown, the more Americans learn about Democratic plans for health care, the more the opposition grows. Mr. Reid appreciates this dynamic, which is why he wrote his bill behind closed doors, when only Santa could have any real idea of who's earning a place on the naughty list. " (emphasis added.) Time for that full disclosure thing - the writer is talking about Mr Reid. But Mr Reid follows in the Obamessiah's footsteps.

There's also this: " President Barack Obama campaigned on health care reform, among other things, and he’s set one deadline after another to accomplish this. The Congress has so far failed to respond to his demands, despite strong Democrat majorities in both Houses. So, it’s time to pass something — anything. " (*4 (Emphasis and colour added))

His 'demands,' folks. Not requests, not suggestions: demands. Is this the 'change' you voted for? 'Change' for the sake of change?

We did try to warn you.

(*1) - http://thehill.com/homenews/house/72889-pelosi-rahm-do-not-scare-rep-defazio
(*2) - http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704304504574610512331342976.html?mod=rss_Today's_Most_Popular
(*3) - http://www.joplinglobe.com/editorial/local_story_355233643.html
(*4) - http://www.bdtonline.com/columns/local_story_355174119.html

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