Monday, June 21, 2010

Greg Birosh ... for President?!?

Me?!? As President?!? Could you possibly imagine a more bizarre idea? I’m not sure I could, and at this point I’m really trying.

But let’s examine this. Me as President. Well, it would be a great thing, wouldn’t it? For me, at least?

“Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States – Greg Birosh.”

Yeah, it has a ‘nice’ ring to it, but it’ll never happen. So, in this universe at least, it’ll only be a fantasy. But what a fantasy!

What would my position on some of the issues of the day be?

First, I’d be prepared to produce the vault-copy of my birth certificate (something our ‘Dear Leader’ Barack Hussein Osama (er…OBAMA) still hasn’t done. But he has spent over $1.8million in lawsuits to keep said document from seeing the light of day. Gotta remember to ask why. Oh, that’s right! That’s politically incorrect!! YOU RACIST BASTARD!!)

Next; illegal immigration. This is a hot-button topic right now, to be sure. First, if they’re here illegally, they’re breaking the law just by being here. I would not, could not in fact, favour amnesty for these people. I would favour the Arizona immigration law, (which Mr Holder who admits he hasn’t read yet still opposes) and would, in fact, appoint Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio as this Country’s ‘top cop.’ (Unfortunately, the man’s 78 right now, so he might not survive long enough. God knows we need more police officials like him.) That’s right, Mr Holder would be out on his you-know-what. Pity that.

Think of it this way: Yes, it could be argued that we are a Nation of immigrants. My own ancestors weren’t born here; some of them came from “the olde country.” Yet they didn’t demand that we speak their language. They didn’t demand that Americans print product packages in their language. They didn’t demand that we grant them “rights.” They learned English and became American Citizens, something that the Left would love to forget about. Gotta love the way the ancestors did it.

ObamaCare would have to go. No if’s and’s or but’s about THAT. Too many people on both sides of the ObamaCare debate were about ready to throw out that pesky Constitution that says that bills have to be voted upon and passed. They were ready to ‘deem’ it to have passed. And these are our elected “officials.”

I would favour term-limits for members of the House and Senate.

I would also favour a ‘code of conduct’ for the Senators and Congresspeople. Yes, Mr Etheridge, this includes you. If you’d accosted that young man on my watch, your fat ass would be out the door. You’d also lose every penny of your pension. You work for the American people you self-righteous son-of-a-bitch, they don’t work for you. And you sure as hell don’t have the right to accost them!

This also includes Governors. If a Governor were to travel to another country to be with his mistress on my watch, they’d be in deep guano. He’d have to pay every cent of the money that had been spent to get there back to his State’s people and he’d get a tongue-lashing. Gotta give that additional thought too, we might not keep him.

If you can’t tell, I believe that the time is long-past for our elected “officials” to remember that they are accountable to the American People, that they are not above the law.

This next would be hard, but I would take a long and hard look about how Justices to the US Supreme Court are nominated and selected. The whole damn process is too damned political in my book. ‘Justice’ is supposed to be non-partisan, remember? But, hey, Osama (er…OBAMA) got his “…wise Latina woman…” and just might get Ms Kagan as well. ‘Non-partisan?’ Remember the hanky-panky that went on during Justice Thomas’ Confirmation hearings?

SCIENCE. This is something else that is supposed to be non-partisan but which is, in fact, turning into yet another of the politician’s play toys. ‘Global warming’ and ‘carbon tax’ are all the rage right now, and if you look at the science objectively you’ll find that the science is not yet settled, despite those with agendas (such as the Goracle (Al Gore) who is going to make a MINT of money) stating otherwise. For now, let’s ignore the fact that he’s already made a mint of money. Yes, the Earth is warming. No, mankind is not solely culpable.

My science advisor if I were President would be Dr. Michio Kaku. His assistant would be Dr. Peter Ward. They’d simply have to learn to work together for the good of the Country. (Time for that full disclosure thing: I have no idea if Dr Kaku and Dr Ward know each other, or how their working relationship would be.)

Education. “If math were a color, it would be (fill in the blank,) because, (fill in the blank.)” That is an actual question from the “textbook” Everyday Mathematics. But let’s take it further. “If it (math) were a food, it would be (fill in the blank,) because, (fill in the blank.)” If it (meaning math again) were weather, it would be (fill in the blank,) because, (fill in the blank.)”

Those are actual questions for fifth-graders! We can’t teach kids mathematics, but we can sure teach them proper sexual techniques. We can’t teach them spelling and grammar, but we can sure teach them to ensure that they use a condom and be sure to “lube up.” If you can’t tell, I firmly believe that this sad state of affairs would have to change. I’d start by taking a long, hard look at the “textbooks” that our children being subjected to.

Oh, and the songs of praise for Barack Hussein Osama (er…OBAMA) or for any politician would be gone on my watch. Period. Teachers found teaching their children indoctrination songs would be fired immediately with no pension and no possibility of becoming a teacher again … in any state. School is supposed to be for education, not indoctrination.

By now I’ve pissed off everybody on the Liberal Left. But again, let’s go further. Let’s take the “Fairness Doctrine.” I’m going to point you right back to how MSNBC treated a Republican getting elected to fill the late Mr Kennedy’s seat. Here’s the link: " Watching coverage of the Massachusetts senatorial election Tuesday night, I wondered if MSNBC was getting ready to cut off its cable signal to the state. Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, positively enraged that Massachusetts dared to elect a Republican, delivered two hours of nonstop bilious rage toward the state's voters, calling them "irrational" and "teabaggers," engaged in "a total divorce from reality," and hinting that they're vicious racists to boot. “

Yes, on my watch, we’d have a TRUE “Fairness Doctrine.” MSNBC would be forced to balance its reporting, not give folks like Keith Olbermann and Rachal Maddow carte blanche to do and say what they want. You want the “Fairness Doctrine,” liberals? Great. But it’s going to apply to you as well. Don’t like it? Too bad.

By now, I think I've pissed off quite a few people. But I do have some good points, right?

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