Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mr Obama's 'Justice' Department

The link:

This is important: make note of the caption under the photograph. It reads “Courtesy National Geographic Channel King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, pictured last year for the National Geographic Channel's show "Inside," were accused of voter intimidation by the Justice Department.”

The caption is important as is the source: the National Geographic Channel’s program “Inside.” In this case, “Inside the New Black Panther Party” which aired on 11-JAN-2009. Why is this important now? (*1)

OK. It was last year. It was over 13 months ago, in fact. So why does it matter now? Because of something else that Mr Shabazz said. As far as is known, he didn’t say this at the polling place, but he said it on the NGC program. Here’s what he said:

“We didn’t come out here to play today. There’s too much serious business goin’ on in the Black Community to be out here slidin’ through South Street with White dirty cracker whore [expletive bleeped out] on our arm and we call ourselves Black men with African garb on! What the hell is wrong with you, Black man?? You had a [unintelligible (at least, to me. I didn’t understand it) ] with a white girl on your damn arm! We keep beggin’ white people for freedom! No wonder we’re not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool!”

And then, the most damming part. This is the part that the ‘Justice’ Department under Barack Hussein Obama appears to want you to forget about.

For now, let’s forget that his knight-stick wielding Panthers blocked the polling place in Philadelphia. For now, let’s forget about how one 1960s Civil Rights activist called it “ “ the most blatant form of voter intimidation" that he had seen, even during the voting rights crisis in Mississippi a half-century ago. "(*2) For now let’s forget those things. Let's also forget that they'd had a summary judgement against them! In other words, they'd already been found guilty before Mr Obama's 'Justice' Department tossed the case out.

What did Mr Shabazz say? “Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers [white people]! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies! Let us get our act together! It’s time to wake up, clean up, and stand up!” (emphasis added)

Now that is a direct quote (except for the part which I marked as ‘unintelligible’ since I couldn’t understand it) from the National Geographic Program “Inside.” Let me say that again: that is a direct quote.

You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!”

This, to the ‘Justice’ Department, apparently doesn’t rise to the level of a hate crime. But I’ll bet you my entire life-time’s salary that if a white person had said that (and used the n-word), the ‘Justice’ Department would be investigating in .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds, give or take .00000000000000001 due to orbital precession. (*3)

No double standard here, folks.

So why is this important now? Simple. Many people, myself included, believe it to be a microcosm of things to come.

If you’re going to hold one group of people accountable to one standard, you must therefore hold all other groups of people accountable to that same standard. Meaning in this case, that if a white person had said that about black people (and used the ‘n-word’) then the ‘Justice’ Department must hold the New Black Panther Party accountable to that same standard.

“You’re gonna have to kill some crackers! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!” If a white person had said that – replacing ‘crackers’ with the ‘n-word’ you can bet it would (rightly so!) kick off a fire-storm. But in this case, it doesn’t.

Expect more of this double-standard under Barack Hussein Obama’s watch.

So why post this now? This reminds me of a conversation that my now-ex wife and I had once. Frankly, it also reminds me of one my sister and I also had once.

We were arguing a point and I said something along the lines of “I understand their situation.” To which they both said “No you don’t. You haven’t been through what they’ve been through.” Or similar words to the same effect. Meaing, that unless you’ve been through what the others have been through, you have no hope of understanding their situation. I didn’t make the connection I’m going to make now back then, and I wish I had.

As stated, unless you’ve been through what the others have been through, you cannot understand their point or their situation. It appears that the liberals (and rightly so!) state this about “us” conservatives.

We must then therefore ask “Do you? Do you understand their point/situation? Be very careful with your answer. You haven’t been through what they’ve been through, so by your own reasoning, how can you understand? Is it just barely possible that this is hypocrisy? Is it just barely possible that you are also part of the problem? Now how about it?”


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(*2) -

(*3) -

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