Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Do you know how very tired I am of reading and hearing that being said about me? I'm (still) told that the reason I don't like Barack Hussein Obama is because he's black. So ... again ... and (again) for the record:

I would have no problem with an African-American being the President. General Colin Powell didn't run. J.C. Watts did run, but didn't survive the primary. Alan Keyes also ran, but he didn't survive the primary either. All three of these gentlemen are African-American. This has been stated by me numerous times, and is part of the public record. Also, for the record, I would've voted for any of these three men. So, as has been proven, there goes the race card ... again.


I also hear this (still) by people who complain I that I stated, again on and for the record, that I would not support Hillary Rodham Clinton. I'm told I'm sexist because of this. However:

I would have no problem with a woman being the President. I think it would be wonderful. However, Dr. Condolezza Rice wasn't running. Since she's 1) a woman, and 2) an African-American, that takes both of the liberals favourite playing cards off the table.

Time to put those tired old cards away. What I've stated above are the facts ... and have not changed since well before the 2008 election. Now please deal with the facts.

Here are some other facts: The illegal immigration problem that now faces our country is a real problem. Of that, I don't think there's any doubt.

Mr. Obama and his water-carriers want to legalize all those who are here in the US illegally. But how, perchance, does Mexico deal with illegal immigration?

Well, those answers all right here:

That links to a .PDF document. And I'm sorry for the long link, but that's the link to it. But let's examine some of what it says:

* - all foreign visitors and immigrants must be in the country legally and they cannot upset the "equilbrium of the national demographics" (emphasis added) (direct quote) Can you say "Racial profiling?" Suuuure you can!

* - they must have the monetary means to sustain themselves economically (ie: the state won't do it for them)

* - they cannot be destined to be "burdens on society." (direct quote)

* - they must be of economic and social "benefit to society" (another direct quote)

* - of good character and have no criminal record

* - contributors to the general well-being of the nation.

Want to go there? Well then, you must provide the following:

* - a valid birth certificate (how about that, Barack Hussein Osama (er ... O BOW MA ... er ... Obama) where's yours?)

* - prove economic independence (ie: a bank statement)

* - pass an exam on their culture and society

* - provide their own health-care

But Mexico's law goes further. "Police State?" Read on:

* - immigration authorities must have a record of each foreign visitor. Those who do not have such papers are subject to immediate arrest as "illegal aliens." (That actually is their law. Read it.)

* - foreign visitors must not violiate their immigration status. First violation is one year in prison. Second violation is ten years in prison. (Yes, that also is their law.)

* - foreign visitors are forbidden from interferring in the country's internal politics (at the same time, their open-borders activists are waving signs and shouting up here. Gotta ask why if our "new policy" is supposed to be 'fair.')

* - those who aid a person in entering illegally are sent to prison.

Can't do that here, can we? Can't do what the Mexicans are doing because it isn't "fair." Fair to whom is the question we need to be asking.

So what does the Mexican government do with the illegals it catches coming across its southern border?

The title says it all "Mexico accused of abusing its illegals."

NOTE: This posting is a combination of four different sources:



3) Personal email sent to me dated 1-MAY-2006


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