Thursday, March 29, 2012

White House Contacted. Why? Read On...

What follows is the exact email that I sent to the White House. Nice, wasn't I?
" First; the link:

The story comments that you Mr Obama didn't interject yourself into the brutal murder of TWO BRITISH men at the hands of an emotionless African-American because "...Mr Obama sees no political value..."

For my blog located at and for the parents of those murdered young men, would you now like to comment?"

Now, let's all snort together over what I read on the White House's site:

"President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible Administration in history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the American people, through our website." (emphasis added)

Apparently, not when it came to passing his ObamaCare package. You just have to read this and other Conservative blogs to read about the purchases and "back-room deals" used to pass it.

And Mr Obama, I'm now going to pull a page from your book. You've called on me to be Civil during discussions. I have been, and will be.

But I now demand the same from you.

If you reply, you will do so without using

* the race card.

* the name-calling card.

* the gender card.

* the idiot, stupid, or uniformed card.

* the belittling card.

You are forbidden to pick up any of those cards.

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