Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Gateway Pundit: "Support Democrat Ernestina Cruz. Or get a concussion. Your choice."

Please note, the is an opinion article.  The second is a Conservative blog.  Still, it goes to the crux of another problem. 
In the article, we learn that a judge candidate was holding an event across the street from the Cunnyngham household. 
Apparently, somebody in her campaign put campaign signs on Mr Cunnyngham’s yard.  When he and his family returned home, he removed these signs from his property.  (To be clear, the article also says that these signs were in front of this property.  So it could be either.)
Here’s Ms Cruz’s statement, according to the article: 
“ With regard to the violence reportedly perpetrated on Mr. Cunnyngham last week, The Taos News quotes Ms. Cruz thus: “It is unfortunate that this individual [Cunnyngham] chose to remove these signs when they did not belong to him.” “
It’s unfortunate that he removed signs that might’ve been on his property that were put there without his approval?  If the signs were put on his property without his consent, that’s illegal.  If the signs were put on public property without permission , that’s also illegal.
“At that point, a younger man came across the street and again told Cunnyngham to put the signs back. When Cunnyngham refused, the man “pounded me in the chest,” Cunnyngham said. “
The article goes on to  state that his wife and son were restrained by some of these supporters when they tried to get to Mr Cunnyngham. 
In my opinion, this says a great deal about Ms Cruz … and what it says isn’t good.  She wishes to be a judge?!? 
Here’s what she should’ve done, again in my opinion:
First, she should have denounced the violence and assault carried out against Mr Cunnyngham.
Second, she should have publicly called on those involved in the assault to turn themselves in to the police immediately.
Third, she should apologize to Mr Cunnyngham (in private) if she wished, making it clear that those signs were not put in front of his property at her behest.
Instead, she said it was unfortunate that he removed the signs.
Ms Cruz, given the points I’ve made, do you wish to change your story?  Now how about it?
In my opinion, you’re not qualified to be a fair and impartial judge.  Now how about it?

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