Monday, December 1, 2008

Where were you born, Barack Hussein Obama / Barry Soetoro / Barry Obama?

All three of those are names we know he's used. I'd call those aliases.

But does it matter? And if so, why? I'm now going to quote from The Roth Show* dated 28-NOV-2008 (Friday.) This takes place in hour #2 at 40:31 minutes. Article I Section II of our US Constitution says that whoever wants to be the President must be a naturally born US Citizen. From here on, I'm quoting. This is Douglas Hagmann, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network**

"Well, you know what - if it doesn't matter, then what the hell does matter? For those people out there who are saying 'Well, it doesn't matter where he's born,' okay, why don't you tell me what matters? Go ahead and cherry-pick the various parts of the Constitution and you tell us what you think matters.

"What rules should we adhere to? You want to, like, keep this one rule, or do you want to toss this one out? What kind of arbitrary bull-crap arguement do you want to engage in? We either follow the rules the way they were set up, the way the Founding Fathers set them up, or we just throw the whole thing out the flippin' window and it's just anarchy and chaos.

"Because for gosh sakes we've got the flippin' messiah [Obama, the Obamessiah] now, we've got change for the sake of change, for God's sakes it's not Bush - and thank God it's not Bush; no more Bush, no more of his, you know, blundering, babbling, baloney out there, it's change.

"Now we've got the messiah [Obama, the Obamessiah], we've got a great ... uh ... just this great messiah going to save us all. We're not going to have to pay for mortgages, we're not going to have to pay for utilities. God, thank God for Obama. And these are the very same people that are saying 'Well it really doesn't matter, the Constitution - the various aspects of the Constitution.'

"Well then let's throw the whole damn document out. Alright? Let's throw it all out. Why not?

"It just makes me sick to think that we've had our men and women in Uniform die for a document that is being trampled on by these bums in Congress, by these bums in the Senate, by these bum, these politicians who are nothing more than a bunch of bums that wouldn't know how much a loaf of bread costs, or a gallon of milk costs, or a tank of gas costs; because they're so far removed from the People, they're so far removed from society, from everyday life.

"They wouldn't know how to balance a chequebook - they couldn't even balance a chequebook - and we've got these people leadin' us." (emphasis his)

... "And it just angers me because we've got people dying [our Armed Forces] every day over a document [the Constitution] that is being trampled on by these idiots in this country who don't know a good thing when they see it. We're living the good life, I mean we don't see people trying to get the hell out of the United States we see them sneaking into the United States to enjoy the freedoms that we have. The very same freedoms that are being trampled on by these Obama robots who think that this guy's gonna deliver us from everything - and yet he can't produce a freakin' peice of paper, he's gonna have to spend nearly a million [$800,000 - some of which appears to have come from the Council on American-Islamic Relations***] dollars in court costs so he doesn't have to? That's baloney, and I'm sick and tired of it."

As Dr Manning said "Produce your birth certificate, man! That's all you got to do! Hasn't done it. Know why? Doesn't have one! That's why." (emphasis his)

Mr Hagmann makes quite a few valid points. First, there is enough anecdotal information to suggest that Obama was in fact, not born in Hawaii.

Second, we do know of three names that he's used; Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, and Barack Hussein Obama. I've already written that I've heard that disqualifies him from the Illinois Bar Association. (Again, I can't prove that, but that's what I've heard.)

And finally, Mr Hagmann's right - we can't just take the parts of the Constitution that we like and agree with and throw the rest of it out. That's not the way a government should work.

This Nation, the United States of America, is a nation of laws. Our government is based on laws, and like it or not, Article I Section II of the Constitution states who is and is not eligible to be the President.

Also, if you remember, those same politicians who told us that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was ineligible to run for the office of the President are now strangely silent about Mr Obama. Is this yet another example of the double-standard?

The rules must be fairly and evenly applied or they mean nothing. Strangely, Mr Obama seems to be getting (another!) free pass.

I've written this next before but I'll write it yet again: I would have no problem with an African-American being the President. Unfortunately, General Colin Powell didn't seek the office.

I would also have no problem with a woman being the President. Unfortunately, Dr. Condoleezza Rice wasn't running either. For me, it's not about gender or colour. It is about who is qualified.

*- The Roth Show. Hosted by Dr. Laurie Roth, it can be found at

** - The Northeast Intelligence Network. Directed by a licensed private investigator, Douglas Hagmann, of over two decades' experience it can be found at

*** Source: The Roth Show.

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