Monday, April 11, 2011

NY Times Op-Ed Gets it Wrong - in my opinion

The link: You'll notice, I hope, that it is an Op-Ed piece. That means we're about to get the writer's opinion. And what an opinion it is. " The federal government survived the hostage crisis created by House Republicans, but emerged staggering from the deal struck Friday night. The compromises were damaging, the amount of money cut from a sickly economy was severe, and the image of Washington as a back-alley dogfighting garage will not soon fade. " And it went downhill from there. This was a "...hostage crisis..." that was created by those damn Republicans! Really? Let's examine this: $14,000,000,000,000 or 14TRILLION in debt. And about 4T of that added on Obama's watch. That's more debt than was created by all Presidents from Washington to Reagan ... combined. But let's take some time and do some math, here. Chuck Shumer called the Republican cuts "extreme." But just how "extreme" were they? " The cuts represent less than 2 percent of the total budget, less than 4 percent of the deficit, and less than 5 percent of discretionary spending, which rose in real terms by 75 percent from 2000 to 2010 and by about 9 percent in each of the last two fiscal years. " (*1) (Link is left intact) And yet the NYT had this to say: " The worst aspect of the deal, however, was the momentum it gave to Republicans who have hoodwinked many Americans into believing that short-term cuts in spending will be good for the economy. After the agreement was reached, President Obama actually patted himself on the back for agreeing to the “largest annual spending cut in our history.” " Hoodwinked? Come on. The worst will be yet to come, however. Mr. O'Reilly on Fox News called that Op-Ed piece "marching orders" that the media will follow. He said, rightly so in my opinion, that many "impartial" journalists will do stories about how bad the Republican's cuts will make things. He's right on, in my opinion. So much for the "impartial" and "unbiased" media. (*1) -

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