Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AP: "Northeast braces for temps near boiling point"

Yes, you read that correctly. There's just one slight problem.

Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit which is 100 degrees Celsius. And that's at one atmosphere of pressure (sea level.) It's 373.15 degrees Kelvin for instance.

Given all the pontification they were doing during the RatherGate Affair about their "layers of fact-checking" which I believe was the exact phrase that was used, I rather expect them to pick up on small details such as this.

Perhaps, as one of the comments on the page noted, they're too busy digging up dirt on Ms Palin's upcoming book. Or, perhaps they're too busy repeating the Democrat's talking points about the Tea Party people being "terrorists" or as the President has said "holding a gun to the heads of the American People."

Civility for me but not for thee, Mr Obama?

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