Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Opinion: President Obama is part of the problem.

You read (or heard) it here first!  At least, I hope. 
But remember when Mr Obama said he wasn't going to spike the football and show photos of the corpse (Not Corpseman, Mr Obama - corpse.  ) of bin Laden? 

And then he politicized it - you could say he spiked the football.  Even Arianna Huffington (yes, that one) was none too pleased with Mr Obama about it! 

The link:  http://www.mediaite.com/tv/democratic-columnist-discusses-report-of-desperate-obamas-enemy-list-of-wealthy-romney-donors/

There's a reason I chose that link:  it also contains the link to Mr Obama's "enemies" list a la Richard "I am NOT a crook" Nixon.

You can imagine the reason that I've bound three different things together here.  First, consider each of these items on its own merits and consider it from a liberal viewpoint.

First, we've known for some time (and I've written about it before) that Mr Obama's campaign has put out a list of people whose only 'crime' was to donate money to Mr Romney's campaign coffers.  Let's play pretend and pretend for the moment that it was Mr Romney's campaign doing this classless and dishonourable thing.  The liberal media and the liberals themselves would (rightly!) be all over it.  Why?  Because it would be classless, dishonorable and borderline defamatory.  You simply need to view Mr Obama's "enemies list" to see some of the borderline defamatory statements.  But this is Obama bin Largess 'the Obamessiah,' or 'the anointed one' doing all these things. 

No matter who does it, it's wrong.  But if you're willing to say it's not a problem because it's Obama doing it, you seriously need to realize that you've just shown yourself to be part of the problem.  To get out of this mess, we don't need people to prove that they're part of the problem, they need to be ready to act as (and be!) part of the solution.  And that means willing to criticize both sides of the aisle when they deserve it!

So now we come to Mr Bush's being unable to say "nuclear."  I myself laughed at it.  Why?  Because here's the President of the United States being unable to say a simple word such as "nuclear" correctly!  (As an aside, could you imagine him trying to say 'bovine spongiform encephalopathy?' )  I don't want to be anywhere near President TelePrompTer were he to try to say it!

Mr Obama, however, says (twice) " ... Navy Corpsman ... " with "Corpsman" being pronounced "corpse-man."    Get the idea yet?  Those who were so willing to nail Mr Bush to the wall for his inability to say "nuclear" are oddly mute on Mr Obama's flub of "corpse-man."  Part of the solution or part of the problem?

Thirdly, Obama bin Largess' double-standard and spiking the football by politicizing his decision to get Osama bin Laden.  Even Arianna Huffington is NOT happy about that.  Which, to me, is shocking.  She's a big-time liberal and she's gone off the reservation and is willing to criticize 'the one.'

His making it political is wrong - no matter how you slice it.  Had it been Mr Bush, the liberal media would be all over it.

They too are part of the problem.

And I'm going to add one thing because this too is part of the problem. 

Political author S.E. Cupp wrote a book in 2010 named "Losing Our Religion: The Liberal's Attack on Christianity," and people out there immediately took it to mean that since Ms Cupp is a Conservative author, she was therefore also a Christian.

The liberals, again, have their facts wrong.  According to her Wikipedia article and she herself, she is an atheist.  Although, to be honest and in the interest of full disclosure, she is an atheist who "really aspires to be a person of faith someday."
I would be honoured to be the father of any future children she might wish to have. 

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