Monday, July 16, 2012


!!!  Yes, you read that correctly.  I'll be honest in that I had to read it three times.  The first time, I'd thought "That can't be right."

(second read)  "They didn't."

(THIRD read)  I was laughing too hard to breathe.

The link:

And the double-entrentres start in the very first sentence:  " Anthony Weiner’s not shrinking from elected office. "

Then we learn that he's "desperate" (albeit to get back into politics.)

And not to outdo themselves, the Post described Mr Weiner's "dipping."  As in "dipping his toe back into political waters." 

And then there's "launch."

I wouldn't have minded seeing the word "slid" in there, and I'm pretty sure the author was considering some way to ... 'work it in.'

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