Tuesday, May 6, 2008

John McCain and La Raza

Oh, the Politics of Identity!  "I'm a (hyphenated)-American!"  Whatever happened to just being a plain American? 


Read the whole thing (yes, it is long, but it's necessary to read and understand all of it.)

Read especially the part where he talks about a hyphen.  And then read about La Raza (literally; THE Race.)  An excellent article about it is here:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Raza which states that, contrary to many wild claims you might have heard about it NOT having been coined by a Mexican...BUT:  "The term originated in the book La Raza Cósmica written by a Mexican writer, José Vasconcelos. He described La Raza Cosmica as the product of racial mixing over time that was already in progress in the Hispanic world."

YIKES!!!  Don't mention that to the PC crowd!!!  Or that he believed in supremacism.  Just of the Mexican people, of course.  And their decendants. 

Hellllloooo, Mr. McCain? 

I know this next link goes to Michelle Malkin's site, but there's a lot of good info on it:


Oops.  I won't be voting for McCain, either.

As I've written before:  Election '08:  No matter who wins, we lose.

And you can take THAT to the bank.

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