Thursday, May 15, 2008

"We're Screwed '08"

As I've written here before, "Election 08:  No matter who wins, we lose."

Now, there's a website (and I had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with this site) named

I can't vote for HRC.  Why?  She'd force universal healthcare down our throats.  It would bloat government and ... well.  The money for all these government programs that all the candidates are proposing has to come from SOMEWHERE, right?  And we all know that money doesn't grow on trees.  It's not like you can plant a money tree in your backyard and pluck a 20$US every time you need one.  It'd be nice, though.

So, where does that money come from?  Taxes.  They'd have to go up.  There's simply no way around that fact. 

As for BHO (again, the only reason I include his middle initial is because BO makes it look like 'body odour.')  Well, I can't vote for him either.  And it's not because he's black.  It's because I disagree with his stance on a lot of issues.  And his Pastor didn't help him, either. 

JM (also known as John McAmnesty and John McShamnesty) is ... well.  He's chummy with La Raza (literally - THE Race (as an aside, can you imagine the uproar that would happen if a group of white men called themselves 'The Race?'  It'd be the KKK part deux.))

Oh, and let's not forget president Bush.  God, but how I regret voting for him.  I even wrote numerous articles against Al Gore and got invited to the White House Dinner.  Honestly. 

But now?  I regret voting for him.  He's stuffing the Iraq spending bill with something called "The Merida Initiative"  What is it you ask?
It's a bill to help Mexico secure their southern border.  Honestly.

We can't secure ours, but we can help them secure theirs.  AMERICA first, Mr. Bush.

And if I had it to do over again, I would NEVER have voted for you.

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