Thursday, July 30, 2009

Article: "Poll: Obama loses ground on health care"

The link:

" WASHINGTON - Despite his public-relations blitz over the past two weeks to promote his plans to reform the nation's health-care system — including holding two town halls on Wednesday — President Barack Obama has lost ground on this issue with the American public, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. " (Link is MSNBC's and has been left intact.)

No doubt that Obama's lost ground on this issue. Why? Those nasty bloggers. You know, those of us whom Janeane Garofalo call "RAAACIST" because we disagree with "the one." Odd, and I thought liberals tolerated dissenting viewpoints. But I digress.

But for this, we're going to go right back to the non-partisan, impartial Rasmussen Reports. Here are their numbers:

47% are in favour of the "health-care" reform
49% are opposed. (*)

But let's break this down into those who are strongly in favour and those who strongly oppose:

25% strongly in favour
41% strongly oppose. (*)

There are more telling ... and damming ... numbers included in this poll, but I won't post them here. Let's just say they're not too good for Mr Obama.

(*) -

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