30% - Strongly Approve
37% - Strongly DISapprove
This gives him a PAI (Presidential Approval Index) of -7. This is one point higher than the lowest point ever recorded for him of -8.
63% of liberals strongly approve of his performance
60% of conservatives strongly DISapprove of his performance
The difference is most telling when colour is included.
41% of white voters approve of his performance
59% of white voters DISapprove of his performance.
97% of African-American voters approve
03% of African-American voters DISapprove (Note at this point that we've not sure if Freddie Johnson was polled or not. He was, you'll remember, the young African-American man that ACORN pressured into registering an astonishing 72 times in Ohio.)
Also, we're not sure if they polled any of the 6,000 bogus registrations in Seattle Washington. Or the 20,000 in Florida (all of these were gathered by ACORN and all registered as Democrats. But I digress.)
It's going to get worse when the Democrats ram through national same-day voter registration. In other words, you walk into the polling place on election day and tell them you want to register to vote. BANG. Just like that, you're registered to vote. Same-day means there's no time for background checks or to see if you're registered elsewhere.
And since a federal judge has ruled that park benches are acceptable locations for a "registrant" to "live" I can just see somebody walking into the polling place and asking to register.
"What is your address?"
"Well, I live on the park bench in Central Park. You know, the one near the foot trail?"
"Well, I live on the park bench in Central Park. You know, the one near the foot trail?"
"And how long have you been there?"
"Just last night. I move around alot."
"What is your name, please?"
"Watchem Gro." (NOTE, this name actually was used on a "voter registration.")
"Watchem Gro." (NOTE, this name actually was used on a "voter registration.")
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