Sunday, July 19, 2009

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Sez...

That under Osama's (er...Obama's) new "health plan", the cost will be $1.5 trillion. Additionally, 121 million Americans currently with health insurance - fully half of all Americans with health insurance - would lose their private insurance and be forced into the government plan.

But you haven't heard that in the MSM. You also haven't heard what the exact cost is going to be. The $1.5 billion I quoted is a guesstimate. But the liberals have, by the CBO's own words "hidden" some of the costs, which itself is a violation of the law.

Not that the Obamabots care.

Also, in a recent poll, fully a THIRD of American Businesses are stating that if the health "care" bill is passed, they'll be forced to lay off workers.

Let's see ... a third is 33.3% Additonally, another 27% are saying that their workers would have to take pay cuts.

Let's see 33% plus 27% = 60% of Americans would be adversely affected.

Mad enough to get involved yet?

Read it and weep. And then get involved.

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