Monday, July 20, 2009

Two More Soldiers Question Obama's Birth Claim

The link:

" A controversial suit brought by a U.S. Army reservist has been joined by a retired Army two-star general and an active reserve Air Force lieutenant colonel. "

After Ms Gordon's other article, I wrote to her asking if it was just barely possible that Mr Obama might not be a natural born Citizen. Here's part of what I wrote:

" Ms Gordon, he could end the controversy in five minutes ... yet he hasn't. Why? Is it just barely possible that he might be a Usurper? Be very very careful with your answer. Anybody with a fair and unbiased mind would be willing to at least entertain that possibility and would not immediately dismiss it. Which did you just do? Be honest. "

To date, I haven't gotten a reply. But, also to be honest, I finished my letter with: " I await what will, in all probability, be an echoing silence. "

I certainly got the echoing silence. But the next part of her article states the identity of the two soldiers who are about to be vilified by the Obama lap-dogs in the press:

" In a pleading revised after the revocation of Cook’s orders, Taitz argues that the application for preliminary injunction is not moot and that retired Maj. Gen. Carol Dean Childers and active U.S. Air Force reservist Lt. Col. David Earl Graeff have joined the suit “because it is a matter of unparalleled public interest and importance and because it is clearly a matter arising from issues of a recurring nature that will escape review unless the Court exercises its discretionary jurisdiction.” "

I wish I could be confident that we'll get the straight skinny on this. Frankly, however, my pessimism has kicked in full-force. I honestly don't expect anything other than an Obamawash.

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