Monday, July 20, 2009

Currently on Drudge Report

Lesse ... $541,119 to install a traffic signal. Was it gold-plated?

$1,444,100 to repair a door on building 5112. A million dollars to repair a door?? I guess it must've been the Leona Helmsley model, right?

And my favourite: "Purchased 760,000 Lbs of ham at cost of approximately $1.50 per pound"

Lesse...remember when President Bush was ridiculed because he didn't know the cost of a loaf of bread? The libs in the press "feasted" on it (pun intended)

Yet Osama's (er ... OBAMA's) goons don't know the cost of a pound of ham? WAIT! What does it say under that?

"FOOD LION: $.79 Lb" Oh. I guess it was the "organically fed" type?

Had enough of the waste yet?

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