The lefties, naturally, are going nuts. Some of them, probably from The Daily KOS and Huffington Post, probably had heart failure
I'll give them the fact that it's an unflattering portrayal of their 'chosen one.' It is unflattering. But is it all that different from the one that Vanity Fair had on 29-JUL-2008? Here's that one:
They are both very unflattering portrails of the the President of the United States - of that there can be no doubt. But let's also consider this picture:

Neither, apparently, was this one:

But let's take this a step further, shall we? Let's play a guessing game. This is a fun game, don't worry. Who said this:
" “I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic, and we should stand up and say, ‘WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEBATE AND DISAGREE WITH ANY ADMINISTRATION!’ ”
Hillary Rodham Clinton. Honestly. Here's audio of her saying - well, screeching - it:
Granted, she was talking about the Bush Administration - that it was patroitic to disagree with them. Well ...
Now the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it? Somehow we're unpatriotic if we question 'the one.' We must all be "RAAACIST!" (according to Janeane Garofalo) if we attend Tea Parties. Or even agree with them.
If the lefties can do it, so can we. Otherwise, it's hypocrisy, isn't it, libs?

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