Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Just" a "Conspiracy Theory?" Or True Story?

Sadly, it's a true story. The link:

"Call this a case of liberalism via central planning gone wild.

In one of the most politically left-of-center cities east of Berkeley, Calif., ideas put forth at city hall in Madison, Wis. would dramatically limit free enterprise and personal liberty, all in the name of environmental sustainability."

As Rush would say "STOP THE PRESSES!!!" Does anybody remember when people, including me, mentioned this? We were told we were "...making shit up..." for "...worthless blog[s]..." or that it was just a conspiracy theory and that it could never happen.

Alex Jones got called quite a few things. Now I'll agree that Mr Jones (yes, that one) is a "...blowhard..." He seems to enjoy shouting others into silence, from a few examples of him on Coast to Coast AM, including a "round-table" discussion hosted by Mr Noory. It ended when the other panelists, tired of being interrupted by Mr Jones, left. Frankly, I was ready to dress Mr Jones down. Anybody who's tried that with me over the phone or in person has quickly learned that that crap doesn't fly. As even those who don't like me but who know me in person will tell you "Nobody interrupts him twice." Frankly, I'm too damn old to put up with it. I don't have to, and I don't. Well ... time for that full disclosure thing - there is one person who can interrupt me anytime he wants. My Pastor. But that's about it. But he's too polite.

Anyway, getting back to the article: "10. Zoning should adapt to meet the demands of climate change; use zoning to address or mitigate effects, or adapt to climate change; remove any barriers to mitigating the effects, adapting to climate change (trees, green space, mobility, renewable energy, land use)."

Ok...what about the increase output from the sun? Remember when I wrote about Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter (at the equator) and Europa were all warming due to the sun's increased output? Granted, Europa's warming is also probably due to the tidal and gravitational forces it's exposed to, but still. Europa is also warming due to the sun's increased output.

Again, no cars on any of those bodies. No coal-fired plants; no methane from cows or other livestock, either. Yet all of those bodies are also warming due to the sun's increased output!

Could global warming be at least partially due to the sun's increased output? If you haven't read what I wrote about it earlier, please do. The facts are there:

Yes, the Earth is warming. No, mankind is not solely responsible.

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