Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Barack Obama and William Ayers

The advert that Barack Obama is mad about, and doesn't want shown.  His campaign even "warned" station managers and asked the Justice Department to investigate.

The advert, of course, found its way onto YouTube.  As of this writing, this link will retrieve the advert:  http://www.youtube.com/v/m89m0pC_bpY&#038

I can only find one thing wrong with the advert.  They state that "How much do you know about Barack Obama?  What does he really believe?  Consider this:  United 93 never hit the Capitol on 9/11."  United 93 didn't hit any structure.  It impacted in a field in Shanksville, PA during a passenger revolt. 

So while United 93 might have been aiming for either the White House or the Capitol (building?) it never got there, thanks to the brave passengers. 




But it does raise an interesting question, one that I think deserves answering.  Why would Barack Obama be friends with William Ayers, who remains proud about his group's bombing the Capitol?

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