Thursday, August 14, 2008

Maureen Dowd writes about Hillary

On 10-JUL-2008, I wrote:  "There is a place for opinions, yes.  The Op-ed pages.  Personal blogs (or journals!) can also be good places for opinions."

Op-ed (or Op-Ed and even OpEd) is a combination of Opinion and Editorial.  Op-ed for short, just like pics is short for pictures and tix is short for tickets.  I really don't like 'pics' or 'tix,' however, and on my journal I'll not be using these shorthands.  There I go digressing already!

But the Op-ed page.  WOW.  This one is a real shocker.

A few things, this is IHT or the International Herald Tribune, which is the Global edition of the New York Times.  The above link is to an Op-ed article.  And what an article it is.  This, my friends, is a real bombshell.  Another bombshell is the name of the writer of this article, Maureen Dowd. 

Ms. Dowd has been called a number of things, not one of which I'll print here, by her detractors.  I, myself, have questioned her motivation about a number of things she's written and have wondered more than once about if she injects her political views into her articles. 

But this article...all I can say is wow.  Ms. Dowd has, in my opinion, hit a great number of nails directly on their heads.  She couldn't have scored a better bulls-eye if she'd tried to.  And again, in my opinion, she's right on the money. 

If you remember, I wrote about one of the Democratic voters a while back saying "We just blew the election!"  I wrote that she might be right, and that for anybody to say they'd be more unified would be wrong. 

And now Ms. Dowd's bombshell.  All I can say is wow.  I know I've said that before, but ... wow.  She said that while Mr Obama was off doing other things, Hillary was busy planning "...her convention."  That's really telling. 

"You can almost hear her mind whirring: She's amazed at how easy it was to snatch Denver away from the Obama saps." (snip)  "Now they've made Barry's convention all about them - their dissatisfaction and revisionism and barely disguised desire to see him fail. Whatever insincere words of support the Clintons muster, their primal scream gets louder: He can't win! He can't close the deal! We told you so!" (emphasis added.)

That's about all I can use under Fair Use, but Ms. Dowd's article goes on in depth.  And what an article it is. 

I've already written about the article in the Atlantic about Ms. Clinton...about the backstabbing within her campaign.  And now this article. 

In my opinion, if Ms. Clinton couldn't correctly manage a campaign, just how is she going to correctly manage the United States?  Anybody?  And now she apparently wants to steal Mr Obama's moment from him.  Granted, I don't want either of them to be President (as I've written before) but still.  This is party "unity?" 

And people call me out of touch!

Ms. Dowd, I loved your Op-ed article.  My hat is off to you.

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