Monday, August 18, 2008

More Fauxlympic Coverage

This'll make you scream.

And then there's this one:

"Still, he said, the International Olympic Committee should be held accountable for not pressing China on the issue. "The IOC seems oblivious to the fact that they're holding the Games in a repressive environment," he said."

No kidding.  Did you actually think the Chinese would allow demonstrations?  They're not about to show dissatisfaction.  They're not about to show anybody who is not towing the party line with a perfect smile on their face. 

Remember all those migrant workers (the same people that build the Bird's Nest and other buildings) being shipped out of Beijing? 

I think somebody on the IOC was on something when they selected Beijing.  And now they're (in my opinion) either on drugs, drunk, or just plain don't care. 

New word....the farcelympics. 

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