Friday, August 15, 2008


Now there's a somewhat new word...we've had fauxtography, and now we've got fauxlympics.

This is from Breitbart: The article states:  "If true, it would be the third high-profile faking incident of the ceremony, after it was revealed a girl was substituted as a singer because she was deemed too ugly, and supposedly live fireworks on the TV broadcast were pre-recorded.", it'll be the fourth one. 

The first, of course, is the CGI editing of the Opening, where they used CGI graphics for the footprints.  That one, I might actually give them given the atrocious air quality.

Then, we had the little girl who lip-synched the song because the girl who actually DID sing it was deemed "too ugly" due to her buck teeth.  (As an aside, I wonder what they'd do to me.  Robert Redford I ain't.  They'd probably shoot me.)

As if that weren't enough, there's this: "Just nine months before the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese government's news agency, Xinhua, reported that gymnast He Kexin was 13, which would have made her ineligible to be on the team that won a gold medal this week."


And now, we've got the "Ethnic Minority" children, who were all of the Han majority (90 per cent of Chinese are Han.)  This, despite the claim that the 56 children represented each of the ethnic identities. 

Another oops.  Oops...sorry, that's not two ... that's not three, that's fourFOUR instances of fakery. 

And the IOC does ... not one damn thing. 

Just imagine, for example, the uproar if the United States had done that.  If we'd done just one instance of fakery.  Suppose it had been Greece committing the fakery during their wonderful and beautiful Opening Ceremonies.  I'll admit, I was in awe of those Ceremonies.  Now we've got four ... and the Games have only just started!!!  But since it's China, they get a free pass?

Am I the only person that smells something really wrong here?  I stopped watching the Fauxames after the Fauxopening.  I haven't watched since. 

But now, here's the fourth instance of fakery.  Hello, IOC?  Are you awake?  Do you care?

Helllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......  Earth to IOC.

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