Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Feds Bailout Programme

In the dark of night over the weekend when most people were snoozing, the Treasury dramatically expanded its bailout plan to include buying student loans, car loans, credit card debt and any other “troubled” assets held by banks.

No, no, NO!  Don't you idiots get it?  You were the ones that gave us this mess!  What in the HELL makes you think I'm going to trust you to clean it up?!?  I wouldn't trust you with cleaning up an outhouse!  Hell, at this point, I doubt you'd be able to find your way out of one, but that's another matter.

Let's look at it this way:  I have no student loans.  My car is paid off.  I do have credit card debt, but I'm responsible for that.  Note that I said that I'm responsible for it.  ME.  Not my neighbour, not the couple living two streets over, me.  I am responsible for it.  What part of that don't you idiots understand?!?

How is this fair to me and the millions like me?!?  You're going to burden us to pay off the sins of others??

Don't you understand yet that throwing money at a problem doesn't solve the problem??  All it does is allow the behaviour that caused the problem to continue!!  Tell me ONE case JUST ONE where throwing money at the problem and doing nothing else solved it.  Just one.

I'm waiting.

At this point, I think we'd be better if we just took a really big rocket, rounded up all the politicians (ALL OF THEM (and by ALL I MEAN EVERY POLITICIAN EVERYWHERE just in case that's a concept you don't understand ... ALL OF THEM) and stick them into the ship and fire the ship into the sun.  Period.

What in the HELL do student loans, car loans and credit card debt have to do with this?!? 

I'll tell you ... NOT ONE DAMN THING.

I'm so tired of these politicians.  I really am.  Not only tired, but now I'm angry.

VERY angry.  You should be, too.

You've been sold out by the politicians and the money-hungry "business executives" that you, through your inaction, allowed to flourish.

Feel the love yet?  They've been screwing us over all these years and we've been letting them.  They rake in the multi-million dollar bonuses and we've been letting them.

We now have two choices as a people.  1)  We either bend over (again) and let them screw us worse than we've ever been screwed before, or 2) we stand up and tell them NO MORE.  And then we mean it.  We pay attention and we STAND UP AND TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THE CORRUPT POLITICIANS AND THE CORRUPT BUSINESSPEOPLE.

Hell.  I'd better be prepared to shoot myself first.

People will make their brave little noises, then they'll hit the snooze alarm and roll over again.

Just like we did after 9/11.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Yeah.  A shot of whiskey, a gun, and two bullets."

Just shoot me now and get it over with.  People don't change.  I don't know why I expected (or hoped) they would.

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