Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gov. Palin's Information Released by Dems

First, a link:  http://www.redstate.com/diaries/redstate/2008/sep/02/breaking-democrats-release-sarah-palins-soc/

That's right.  The wackjobs on the left have released Gov. Sarah Palin's Social Security Number minus the last four digits to the press in opposition research.  Since SSNs are nine digits long, this is really worrying. 

I guess they've never heard of ... oh ... identity theft?!?  For example:  The Woolworth SSN:  Here it is - 078-75-1120.  (Don't try using it.  It's been flagged as fake.)

The point is that the Dems took the number and published it, like this - 078-75-xxxx.  As if that weren't bad or disgusting enough, they also published her ADDRESS.

Let's take a step back.  Remember when Michelle Malkin published the Berkeley protesters information?  It was the same information they had already published on their site.  Let me say that again:  She posted information that the protestors had already published on their web site.

The lefties went nuts.  They went completely nuts.  Some of them at the Daily Kos in returned published her private information, including her address (which she had NOT published anywhere.)

She had to move.  But here's the point:  The lefties don't play by the rules they expect us to play by.  If we publish information that they've published, we get death threats (which she did.)  If THEY publish PRIVATE information, well, that's OK, right?

The mainstream media, of course, won't be touching this.  You could call them the Obamedia (a portmanteau of 'Obama' and 'media'.)  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau_word  They seem to be acting as Obama's media, wouldn't you say?

Remember me posting about the number of headlines for Obama and the number for McCain?  What was it, 6 to 1?  I'm not looking at it right now.  Or was it 3 to 1 in favour of Obama?

No liberal bias in the media?  The Dems play dirty tricks and nothing is said.  Could you imagine the firestorm that would've happened (and you know it would have happened) had Ms. Palin been a Democrat and her information had been released by a Republican?  All the talking heads would be on the air, pontificating about the "evil Republicans" and the "...vast right-wing conspiracy" just like Hillary did when her husband was lying to the Grand Jury.

No liberal bias?  Obama's media won't touch this one.

Hey, BHO, are you going to distance yourself from this?  You need to.  Otherwise your "change" will be nothing but a slogan. 


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