Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Just Puked Again

Honestly.  I had to, given this:  http://confederateyankee.mu.nu/archives/274518.php

"I'll let Kim Priestap delve into just how creepy and reminiscent of the concerts by kids in totalitarian states this is, and focus on those behind it." (hyperlink theirs)

They're "advertising" it as "..grassroots effort..."

Really?  Read down the article to see who's behind it:

1)  Jeff Zucker
2)  Holly Schiffer
3)  Peter Rosenfeld
4)  Darin Moran, and
5)  Andy Blumenthal

Grassroots?  Not in this universe.

You should recognize those names.  All bigwigs in the Hollier-than-thou-wood liberal elite.

But I loved how the Drudge Report phrased it:

Since it is so small, it reads "VIDEO:  Obama Kids Sing for Dear Leader."

Dear Leader???

Oh, and before you tell me that the Drudge Report is a conservative organization, I'm going to point you right back to that UCLA study about bias in the media:


"The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left." AND "The fact that the Drudge Report appears left of center is merely a reflection of the overall bias of the media."

In plain English, since people think that the Drudge Report is hard conservative, that's a reflection of the overall liberal bias of the media.

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